Samantha, the tollywood celebrity who always looks to be in the spot light for the whole time has once again joined the party. In the recent past Samantha has commented on the poster of Mahesh's 1-Nenokkadine and seemed to be in trouble for a good period of time. During that scenario Samantha has received a bulk of abusive tweets and comments from the fans of Mahesh over all the social networking sites.
Sukumar, the director of 1-Nenokkadine movie has reacted to Samantha's regressive comments in the past itself that 'her reaction to the poster just before the release of the film is not at all a good sign', But However Sukumar looks unsettled with the amount of reaction.
Recently in a audio launch of the film Auto Nagar surya Sukumar and Samantha had met each other and seemed as if they were going cool but at the end of the day it was Sukumar again who reacted towards Samantha saying "You are my Favorite heroine among all the heroines and you must trust that." There are also few reports that Sukumar in his upcoming film is planning for another counter to Samantha by creating a character of a celebrity who pretends and changes her attitude on and off the screen. As a Cine lover lets hope these things between stars get settled as soon as possible.
Sukumar, the director of 1-Nenokkadine movie has reacted to Samantha's regressive comments in the past itself that 'her reaction to the poster just before the release of the film is not at all a good sign', But However Sukumar looks unsettled with the amount of reaction.
Recently in a audio launch of the film Auto Nagar surya Sukumar and Samantha had met each other and seemed as if they were going cool but at the end of the day it was Sukumar again who reacted towards Samantha saying "You are my Favorite heroine among all the heroines and you must trust that." There are also few reports that Sukumar in his upcoming film is planning for another counter to Samantha by creating a character of a celebrity who pretends and changes her attitude on and off the screen. As a Cine lover lets hope these things between stars get settled as soon as possible.
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