Power star Pawan kalyan, the man with enormous following for his on screen acting and off screen attitude has many fans other than any other actor and even has fans in the film industry too. With all his trends and styles, he simply pulls people towards him in large number. Celebrities like Nithin and many other heroes simply follow him, but now its Mass Raja Ravi Teja's turn to join the club.
Sources revealed that, In the upcoming Ravi Teja's movie 'POWER' there are many scenes in which Ravi Teja imitates Pawan Kalyan with unique Pawan's trade mark of dialogue delivery. Posters from first look are resembling the same trendy and powerful mass look police officer. Ravi Teja's entrance in the movie will be seen with Gabbar Singh poster and buzz that character of Ravi Teja in Power is exactly the same to the role that Pawan kalyan did in Gabbar Singh. But now the question is that, Will Pawan Kalyan's power help Ravi Teja to bag another hit. Lets wait and see whether Ravi Teja can repeat his old magic or not.
Sources revealed that, In the upcoming Ravi Teja's movie 'POWER' there are many scenes in which Ravi Teja imitates Pawan Kalyan with unique Pawan's trade mark of dialogue delivery. Posters from first look are resembling the same trendy and powerful mass look police officer. Ravi Teja's entrance in the movie will be seen with Gabbar Singh poster and buzz that character of Ravi Teja in Power is exactly the same to the role that Pawan kalyan did in Gabbar Singh. But now the question is that, Will Pawan Kalyan's power help Ravi Teja to bag another hit. Lets wait and see whether Ravi Teja can repeat his old magic or not.
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