Mega Star Chiranjeevi's super hit film 'Stalin' has been remade by Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan. The wait is over, And he is back! After a good enough break, the Box Office storm, fondly known as Salman Khan is all ready and geared up with his upcoming film Jai Ho. The exclusive Premiere show of this flick is aired at Dubai today at Meydan Imax and with all his love towards the MegaStar, Salman Khan had invited Chiranjeevi to this event. But Apparently, Mega star Chiranjeevi with all his busy schedules and sortings had disappointed Sallu Bhai by not attending the event.
However, Disappointed Salman Khan has reached the premier theater at Dubai with Sohail Khan and Daisy Shah. They even held a live press Conference at the venue in Dubai. Salman Khan is looking damn confident regarding his movie, We all know over the past 40 years Bollywood has two undisputed Cinema idols, they are Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan. But Today, in the industry, it won’t be a flaw to announce that Salman khan is one who, with his magic is the Appropriate man to fit in right after them. Though it is just a few days to go for the release of his upcoming film Jai Ho, we just don’t seem to have enough patience to control our thrill and anxiety.
However, Disappointed Salman Khan has reached the premier theater at Dubai with Sohail Khan and Daisy Shah. They even held a live press Conference at the venue in Dubai. Salman Khan is looking damn confident regarding his movie, We all know over the past 40 years Bollywood has two undisputed Cinema idols, they are Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh Bachchan. But Today, in the industry, it won’t be a flaw to announce that Salman khan is one who, with his magic is the Appropriate man to fit in right after them. Though it is just a few days to go for the release of his upcoming film Jai Ho, we just don’t seem to have enough patience to control our thrill and anxiety.
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