Super star Mahesh Babu's '1-Nenokkadine' movie which released last week got a divide talk. However the talk may be but this movie is getting very good rating on IMDB ( International Movie Database). This psychological thriller is directed by Sukumar with kriti sanon in the female lead role. Most of the telugu audience dint received the movie very well as they are habituated to the routine mass,comedy movies. However abroad audience and multiplex audience received the movie very well.
'1-Nenokkadine' received a very good rating of 9.2 in IMDB website superseding Hollywood epics like 'The Dark Knight' and 'Inception' . It currently stands at the 3rd place in the list of highest rated thriller films with 10,796 votes. This movie also achieved a rare record by becoming the first Indian movie to enter into top 500 on IMDB website. The film disappointed some of the telugu audience as it was not a regular kind of telugu films,which has some affect on box office collections. Meanwhile the movie did very good business in US.
Overall in the opening weekend '1-Nenokkadine' collected a very good amount of Rs. 5.82 crores in US. The movie runtime which was around 3 hours was shortened a 20 mins by trimming few unwanted scenes.
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