Kajal Agarwal debuted her filming career in Bollywood and then settled in Tollywood. Now she is concentrating more on Bollywood films. At present she has two films in her hands each one in Telugu and Tamil. She has been finalized for Cherry's upcoming movie. Now she want to do the female lead role along with Power Star Pawan Kalyan. Till now, Gabbar Singh-2 has not went on to the sets as the heroine for this movie is not yet finalized. Producers and the Director are in a hunt for the heroine.
Many names like Deepika Padukone were considered for this movie but none of them could made it. Kajal was also made it to the consideration but backed away by hearing her remuneration which she hiked up to 2 crores. Then producers started to search for new faces. According to the news, one of the Telugu girl was finalized but then dropped with some un revealed issues. Now, all of a sudden the name of kajal has entered into the scenario. It is said that she want to be the female lead role in Gabbar Singh-2. After a long hunt for the heroine, the producers, director and the Pawan Kalyan seems to rope in Kajal to this flick.
If this is true then she acts with both Pawan Kalyan and Charan.
Many names like Deepika Padukone were considered for this movie but none of them could made it. Kajal was also made it to the consideration but backed away by hearing her remuneration which she hiked up to 2 crores. Then producers started to search for new faces. According to the news, one of the Telugu girl was finalized but then dropped with some un revealed issues. Now, all of a sudden the name of kajal has entered into the scenario. It is said that she want to be the female lead role in Gabbar Singh-2. After a long hunt for the heroine, the producers, director and the Pawan Kalyan seems to rope in Kajal to this flick.
If this is true then she acts with both Pawan Kalyan and Charan.
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