Young Star Nitin's recent movie Heart Attack is ready for release. On this occasion when asked about the story director Puri Jaganadh clarified that this story was actually written for Varun Tej, Nagababu's son who will be debuting soon, Heart Attack was supposed to be his debut film, but for some unknown reasons that story was dropped by mega family and Puri chose Nitin for it.
Puri also clarified that Heart Attack story was written in just 2weeks span, entire story is about two hearts and how they love and hurt each other. Puri is directing a love story after many years and he is pretty confident about the film.
Puri himself is producing this venture under Puri touring talkies, he is hoping that this will be his bunce back film. So will have to wait and see if Varun has missed Puri's magic for his debut which worked superbly for his cousin Ram Charan.
Puri also clarified that Heart Attack story was written in just 2weeks span, entire story is about two hearts and how they love and hurt each other. Puri is directing a love story after many years and he is pretty confident about the film.
Puri himself is producing this venture under Puri touring talkies, he is hoping that this will be his bunce back film. So will have to wait and see if Varun has missed Puri's magic for his debut which worked superbly for his cousin Ram Charan.
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