Finally the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is satisfied with 3 bed room house at Tilak Lane in the Lutyen's Zone. The Urban Development Ministry had a huge hunt for the CM's residence and allotted him this new bungalow. The newly allotted house is a type VI one and the Directorate of Estates has allotted a ground floor house C-II/23 at Tilak Lane.
Though the Delhi Government has many bungalows, Kejriwal opted for this house. This bungalow is situated in an area of 1600 sq ft. It has 3 bedrooms, dining room, drawing room, two servant quarters and a common garage. It has a lawn and a nearby park too. Before this, he was given two duplex houses at Bhagwan Das Road but due to the allegations raised by the opposition parties he denied them.
Though the Delhi Government has many bungalows, Kejriwal opted for this house. This bungalow is situated in an area of 1600 sq ft. It has 3 bedrooms, dining room, drawing room, two servant quarters and a common garage. It has a lawn and a nearby park too. Before this, he was given two duplex houses at Bhagwan Das Road but due to the allegations raised by the opposition parties he denied them.
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