Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor, wife of Congress MP and Union Minister Shashi Tharoor found dead in a five star hotel named Leela in 345 room no near Chanakyapuri, New Delhi on Friday evening.
The cause of death is not yet stated and Delhi police will confront this only after the post-mortem.
This untimely death comes only a day after Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda were involved in a twitter controversy along with a Pakistani journalist. Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda married twice and said that they are "happily married".
The cause of death is not yet stated and Delhi police will confront this only after the post-mortem.
This untimely death comes only a day after Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda were involved in a twitter controversy along with a Pakistani journalist. Shashi Tharoor and Sunanda married twice and said that they are "happily married".
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