Allu Arjun, The most stylish and handsome actor of Tollywood is now set to up the ante with his upcoming film, Race Gurram. Race Gurram audio has been launched on March 16 by the hands of Megastar Chiranjeevi who attended as the chief guest for the event. Allu Arjun who is known for his jovial moves in real life has pulled himself into trouble. We all know that Shruti Haasan had played the role of leading lady in Race Gurram following Saloni in another supporting role.
During the event, Allu Arjun slipped his tongue saying " We feel more satisfied and responsible only when we earn money, rather being a dependent on elders (parents), But even being a daughter of a Superstar, Shruthi still strives hard to improve her work and to earn more.‘Okko saari thanani choosthe, deenamma intha hard work avasarama anipisthundi’." Noticing his flaw, He immediately apologized Shruti infront of all. Other supporting cast of the Race Gurram includes Shyaam, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Ali, Brahmanandam, Ravi Kishan.
Race Gurram is directed by Surender Reddy and produced by Nallamalapu Bujji. Thaman is the music director and Manoj Paramahamsa is the cinematographer.
During the event, Allu Arjun slipped his tongue saying " We feel more satisfied and responsible only when we earn money, rather being a dependent on elders (parents), But even being a daughter of a Superstar, Shruthi still strives hard to improve her work and to earn more.‘Okko saari thanani choosthe, deenamma intha hard work avasarama anipisthundi’." Noticing his flaw, He immediately apologized Shruti infront of all. Other supporting cast of the Race Gurram includes Shyaam, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Ali, Brahmanandam, Ravi Kishan.
Race Gurram is directed by Surender Reddy and produced by Nallamalapu Bujji. Thaman is the music director and Manoj Paramahamsa is the cinematographer.
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