Yuvaratna Balakrishna's Legend audio release event happened recently at Shilpakalavedika, Hyderabad, on this occasion many Nandamuri fans graced the event and made it successful, but few sector of fans are really unhappy with the function and are expressing their anger in social media.
Both Balakrishna and Jr.Ntr are considered as main heads of Nandamuri family and there are many fans who love both of them, in Legend audio function many audio visuals were played with Mahesh Babu's scenes in it but when Ntr's Dhammu film AV was about to be screened the video was stopped, now this is what hurting many Nandamuri cum Jr.Ntr fans.
Though some people are saying that video was stopped due to lack of time but there is no clear explanation from the makers, hope some one from their family or Legend team clarifies it.
Both Balakrishna and Jr.Ntr are considered as main heads of Nandamuri family and there are many fans who love both of them, in Legend audio function many audio visuals were played with Mahesh Babu's scenes in it but when Ntr's Dhammu film AV was about to be screened the video was stopped, now this is what hurting many Nandamuri cum Jr.Ntr fans.
Though some people are saying that video was stopped due to lack of time but there is no clear explanation from the makers, hope some one from their family or Legend team clarifies it.
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