Basanti, the movie that revolves around the concept of youth and terrorism is an unique attempt in the recent times by the director Dantuluri Chaitanya(Baanam Fame). Director Chaitanya took a long gap after getting critically acclaimed for his film Baanam to write in another excellent script and finally came up with the script of "Basanti" which is not all about love and college life but with a backdrop of Terrorism and politics.
Mr Chaitanya Dantuluri tried exceptionally well but However it is the fault of Hero Goutham (son of great comedian Brahmanandham) who failed in fitting in the shoes of a great character. Alisha Begh, the debutant female lead was also okay with her character. Coming to the attitude of the Hero Goutham, he was completely dull and flattered throughout the movie, failed in carrying the feel of the moviec alongside him. Critics visualised it as A story with that graceful and deep content definitely needs a better artist than him who failed in convincing people.
Despite Brahmanandam's hard work in promoting the movie by pulling all the tollywood biggies its his own son who spoiled the party for him. Basanti opening collections seemed to have faced severe challenges at the box office for its complete divide talk.
As critics say-"Its never the late", Goutham still had an excellent opportunity to pull back the things by improving his attitude and acting tendencies.
Mr Chaitanya Dantuluri tried exceptionally well but However it is the fault of Hero Goutham (son of great comedian Brahmanandham) who failed in fitting in the shoes of a great character. Alisha Begh, the debutant female lead was also okay with her character. Coming to the attitude of the Hero Goutham, he was completely dull and flattered throughout the movie, failed in carrying the feel of the moviec alongside him. Critics visualised it as A story with that graceful and deep content definitely needs a better artist than him who failed in convincing people.
Despite Brahmanandam's hard work in promoting the movie by pulling all the tollywood biggies its his own son who spoiled the party for him. Basanti opening collections seemed to have faced severe challenges at the box office for its complete divide talk.
As critics say-"Its never the late", Goutham still had an excellent opportunity to pull back the things by improving his attitude and acting tendencies.
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