Samantha, one of the leading actress in both tollywood and kollywood Industries has revealed her wish in an interview. She revealed that she has waited for quite some time to pair opposite her favorite Mega Hero. During the time of Yevadu, the movie makers tried to pull in Samantha but however failed in doing that because of her busy schedules then, later Shruti Haasan wrapped up that chance of working with Ram Charan.
Recently, Samantha revealed that She has a wish to dance opposite Ram Charan and reportedly that is looking possible now. So far Samantha has already been paired with all the top tollywood heroes like Pawan, Mahesh and NTR and Now Buzz in the filmnagar is that Samantha will be paired opposite Ram Charan Tej in his future Boyapati Srinu project under the production house of Durga Arts Banner.
Durga Arts Banner is planning to start this venture once Ram Charan Tej wraps up his present Krishna Vamsi’s film. Lets wait and see how this combination works.
Recently, Samantha revealed that She has a wish to dance opposite Ram Charan and reportedly that is looking possible now. So far Samantha has already been paired with all the top tollywood heroes like Pawan, Mahesh and NTR and Now Buzz in the filmnagar is that Samantha will be paired opposite Ram Charan Tej in his future Boyapati Srinu project under the production house of Durga Arts Banner.
Durga Arts Banner is planning to start this venture once Ram Charan Tej wraps up his present Krishna Vamsi’s film. Lets wait and see how this combination works.
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