Mega power star Ram Charan is currently acting under Krishnavamsi's direction, this film began on February 6 and has completed nearly 25 days of its shoot, Bandla Ganesh is producing this film under Parmeswara arts, SS Thaman is scoring music, Kajal Aggarwal is playing female lead.
While the film is said to be set in village backdrop, currently unit is busy in Kanyakumari, Ram Charan is playing a NRI role in this film, reportedly Charan's father in the film will be a doctor in US who is separated from his family due to some reasons but he badly misses his family and want Charan to live with them and then Charan travels to India, how he gets merged with that entire family and will that family accept him is the rest of the story.
Entire film will be shot in village backdrop only one foreign schedule is planned for this movie, movie is expected to release on September 27.
While the film is said to be set in village backdrop, currently unit is busy in Kanyakumari, Ram Charan is playing a NRI role in this film, reportedly Charan's father in the film will be a doctor in US who is separated from his family due to some reasons but he badly misses his family and want Charan to live with them and then Charan travels to India, how he gets merged with that entire family and will that family accept him is the rest of the story.
Entire film will be shot in village backdrop only one foreign schedule is planned for this movie, movie is expected to release on September 27.
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