In India, the celebrities of Tollywood and Kollywood are the most underrated stars when compared to Bollywood Celebs. We rarely see an South Indian actress going National, we often find Bollywood stars hosting all the big shows in and out of our country. But a little luck has flew our way as our tollywood Actress has groped a chance in the international arena. Melanie Kannokada, the actress who was last seen in a Telugu movie "D for Dopidi" is going to be part of a brand new show titled The Brink, a dark comedy, starring Jack Black and Tim Robbins.
But However, She is not the first actress from Tollywood Industry who to had her association with Hollywood TV industry . Many years back, Lakshmi Manchu did supporting roles and cameos in few Hollywood Tv shows like Las Vegas and Desperate Housewives before entering into Telugu films. Even Amy Jackson, who has been part of Recent Tollywood Block buster Yevadu hosted an English travel show.
Lets wish a very good luck to our 'D for Dopidi' beauty Melanie Kannokada for her bright fortune in Hollywood.
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