Aagadu, the upcoming and most anticipated Telugu film starring Mahesh Babu and Tamannaah in lead roles is going through its schedules at a very rapid pace. Director Sreenu Vaitla who is known for his Entertaining action and comedy dramas is touting this venture with immense care as his last flick "Baadshah" got flattered at the Box office with tough challenges. He had written his own script for the film assisted by Gopi Mohan.
Director Sreenu Vaitla took this venture as an prestige issue and roping in all the big stars of South India into this movie. Even Producers Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara are never getting compromised on the budget issues and investing in loads of money. Reportedly it is heard that a huge star cast featuring Veterans like Rajendra Prasad, Prakash Raj, Brahmanandam, Sai Kumar, Nadiya & Napoleon are pulled into the project. Right from the first day, the casting of this movie has been buzzed on as the movie leads (Both Mahesh Babu and Tamannaah ) are essaying the roles of Police Officers.
But However, Producers of 14 Reels Entertainment are very confident regarding their movie and are'nt considering this move as an risky one as their Hero SuperStar Mahesh Babu has tremendous fan following all over India.
Details about the movie :
Mahesh Babu, Tammanah - Lead roles.Sreenu Vaitla - Director.
14 Reels Entertainment - Production house.
26 September,2014 - Release day.
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