Tamil actor whose persona quite amazes even the other country audience Superstar Rajinikanth's "Kochadaiyaan" is the much awaited movie not only for his fans but also for all the film geeks. It has took more than 3 years now to come on to the big screens. Now this film's unit is busy in releasing the audio of this movie to which Mozart of Madras A.R.Rehman has scored the music. The music is all set to cone to the stores on 9th of this month.
Hence today the film unit has released the Tamil track list of this movie which came as a surprise bonanza for all. The name of Mrs. Latha Rajinikanth who is the wife of Superstar is in track list which is released today. She crooned for the first time for a track and that top for his husband. Title of this song is "Manapennin Sathiyam". The date for the audio launch of Telugu version is not yet revealed. The Telugu version of this movie is titled as "Vikramasimha" which is waiting for a grand release along with the Tamil version. Rajinikanth daughter Soundarya is debuting with this movie while Eros International and Media One are producing this magnum opus project.
Hence today the film unit has released the Tamil track list of this movie which came as a surprise bonanza for all. The name of Mrs. Latha Rajinikanth who is the wife of Superstar is in track list which is released today. She crooned for the first time for a track and that top for his husband. Title of this song is "Manapennin Sathiyam". The date for the audio launch of Telugu version is not yet revealed. The Telugu version of this movie is titled as "Vikramasimha" which is waiting for a grand release along with the Tamil version. Rajinikanth daughter Soundarya is debuting with this movie while Eros International and Media One are producing this magnum opus project.
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