Power Star Pawan Kalyan's new party Janasena was launched grandly on March 14 in front of some thousands of fans and well wishers, it was also telecasted live in many areas, in that meet Pawan spoke nearly for two hours and said why he is entering into politics and bashed all the members who criticized him personally.
Now he is going to address fans and media again on March 29th, this time it will be in front of media and press where he will tell agenda/manifesto of his party, though his party works as anti Congress force, still he hasn't stated main aims of his party so he will clarify about them in this second meet, it is also expected that he will announce areas where he or his party is contesting and probably may announce candidates who might participate on behalf of his party.
So lets wait for the day, but after seeing the response after first meet all Pawan fans are excited.
Now he is going to address fans and media again on March 29th, this time it will be in front of media and press where he will tell agenda/manifesto of his party, though his party works as anti Congress force, still he hasn't stated main aims of his party so he will clarify about them in this second meet, it is also expected that he will announce areas where he or his party is contesting and probably may announce candidates who might participate on behalf of his party.
So lets wait for the day, but after seeing the response after first meet all Pawan fans are excited.
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