The Aam Aadmi Party office in suburban Andheri was on Saturday allegedly attacked by a 30 personnel belonging to a group called Hindu Raksha Dal came to Aam Aadmi Party Office: A-119, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad, today at 10:55 am and started shouting negative slogans and derogatory comments for Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan and Aam Aadmi Party.
These violent protestors carrying sticks and bricks in their hand entered into office premises and tried to attack on Aam Aadmi Party volunteers, thankfully the volunteers rushed inside the room and they closed the doors. Then those protestors started damaging the property with their sticks and bricks, they also burled stones, bricks and flowerpots aimed at the volunteers inside the office with the intention to physically hurt them. This whole act of violence continued for around 25 minutes which has been covered in CCTV camera installed in the office premises.
These violent protestors carrying sticks and bricks in their hand entered into office premises and tried to attack on Aam Aadmi Party volunteers, thankfully the volunteers rushed inside the room and they closed the doors. Then those protestors started damaging the property with their sticks and bricks, they also burled stones, bricks and flowerpots aimed at the volunteers inside the office with the intention to physically hurt them. This whole act of violence continued for around 25 minutes which has been covered in CCTV camera installed in the office premises.
The vandals threw black ink bottles all over the office and damaged party banners, he said, adding that the attackers also used filthy language and shouted slogans.
AAP will file an FIR in connection with the attack and also submit with police the CCTV footage at its office, he added. Police sources said that the group entered the AAP office at around 2:30 P.M.
Meanwhile, NCP spokesperson Nawab Malik told PTI that they were "seeking the details of the incident".
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