Harsha Chemadu who is fondly known as Viva Harsha is all set to enter the tollywood arena. Once in an interview on iNews channel he eventually said that he wants to be a comedian. With the mere craze Harsha bagged in Indian social networking sites, many producers and directors are eager to give him a chance. Many memes were produced featuring Harsha went viral on Facebook. His first venture in tollywood industry has been promoting Ram-Venkatesh multi starer Masala.
Now a strong buzz around the filmnagar is that Harsha Chemadu will be featured in the "Krishna Vamsi-Ram Charan" multi starrer. Reportedly, it is heard that Krishna vamsi who watched viva got really impressed and designed a special entertaining role for Harsha Chemudu in the movie.
In the past, After their short film receiving a huge following on social networking site with thousands of shares, likes and comments along with 41,02,163 hits on YouTube Harsha got many opportunities in tollywood but has waited for an appropriate chance to completely fetch in. There wont be any other better chance than getting introduced by a creative director like Krishna Vamsi.
Now a strong buzz around the filmnagar is that Harsha Chemadu will be featured in the "Krishna Vamsi-Ram Charan" multi starrer. Reportedly, it is heard that Krishna vamsi who watched viva got really impressed and designed a special entertaining role for Harsha Chemudu in the movie.
In the past, After their short film receiving a huge following on social networking site with thousands of shares, likes and comments along with 41,02,163 hits on YouTube Harsha got many opportunities in tollywood but has waited for an appropriate chance to completely fetch in. There wont be any other better chance than getting introduced by a creative director like Krishna Vamsi.
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