Multi-starer between Venkatesh and Pawan Kalyan was officially confirmed. This is the remake movie of Bollywood's "Oh My God" which starred Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal. These two roles are being reprised by Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh respectively, which is like having a good Indian meal after a long gap.
If this news makes you go crazy then we have another one for you to make you go more crazier. The news is the inclusion of Mahesh Babu into this this project. He is going to lend his voice for this movie which is not the first time for Mahesh. Earlier he did this job for Jalsa which went on to become the blockbuster.
Though these two super stars, Pawan and Mahesh, are not going to be seen in a single frame but it is enough for the audience to feel cherished.
If this news makes you go crazy then we have another one for you to make you go more crazier. The news is the inclusion of Mahesh Babu into this this project. He is going to lend his voice for this movie which is not the first time for Mahesh. Earlier he did this job for Jalsa which went on to become the blockbuster.
Though these two super stars, Pawan and Mahesh, are not going to be seen in a single frame but it is enough for the audience to feel cherished.
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