Young Rebel Star Prabhas, the heart-throb of many female Cine fans is Currently busy with "Bahubali" movie shoot under the Direction of Ace film maker 'Raja Mouli'. It is officially confirmed that Raja Mouli is willing to make the movie in two parts and even planning to release the movie in the upcoming year's summer (2015).
Recently, Prabhas produced an excellent hit at the box office with his "MIRCHI", the movie has eventually managed to collect an amount of whooping 45 crores at the Box-office in its total run which is undoubtedly the highest gross for any Prabhas movie till date. But however, Prabhas's Career-dream-project "Baahubali" will actually dry-up Prabhas till next year. So, it is heard that Prabhas has acceded to make a sequel to his career best venture 'MIRCHI' which will be touted as MIRCHI-2. Strong buzz around the filmnagar is that makers of Mirchi movie had already approached Prabhas to make things for granted.
In the meanwhile, the shoot of Baahubali is going at a brisk pace and sources revealed that a huge war sequence is planned at Ramoji film city in Hyderabad. So, Lets wait and see whether Prabhas pulls off things in between or not..!!
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