After passing Telangana bill through Lok Sabha, current CM of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy has reigned, since elections are just three months away from now, there should be a new Chief minister assigned for the term or it should be President rule.
According to few sources, Congress MP, and central minister Chiranjeevi will be appointed as intern CM, while there is no confirmation regarding this but it is strongly believed by all media sources, if it happens then Chiranjeevi's wish to become CM will be fulfilled, some announcement is expected by tonight or early morning tomorrow, should see what our Megastar does in really very shot span of time if gets appointed for the big chair.
According to few sources, Congress MP, and central minister Chiranjeevi will be appointed as intern CM, while there is no confirmation regarding this but it is strongly believed by all media sources, if it happens then Chiranjeevi's wish to become CM will be fulfilled, some announcement is expected by tonight or early morning tomorrow, should see what our Megastar does in really very shot span of time if gets appointed for the big chair.
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