Nithin has become a hat-trick hero after giving three back to back hits in tollywood with Ishq, Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe and Heart Attack. With the success in his back he has signed another movie. This movie's shooting has launched today. Getting into the details, this film is being produced by Nikhitha Reddy on his own banner. Producer Nikhitha Reddy said about this new banner this way- “In the past, we made Ishq and Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe on Shresht Movies banner and they were very successful.
However, we are going to start a new banner with this movie and that is Sravan Movies banner. The film ‘s regular shooting will commence from the third week of March.” Sreenivas Reddy is making his debut as the director with this film, who once worked under Surender Reddy as an assistant director. Lady lead role for this movie is not yet finalised. Sagar Mahathi, Mani Sharma’s son is making his debut as a music composer with this film.
However, we are going to start a new banner with this movie and that is Sravan Movies banner. The film ‘s regular shooting will commence from the third week of March.” Sreenivas Reddy is making his debut as the director with this film, who once worked under Surender Reddy as an assistant director. Lady lead role for this movie is not yet finalised. Sagar Mahathi, Mani Sharma’s son is making his debut as a music composer with this film.
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