Indian Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Wednesday shocked one and all by saying that Ranbir Kapoor is more popular than him and wishes to work with the actor, even if it is for a brief role. Meanwhile, Ranbir is going to make a cameo presence in Bachchan's upcoming film Bhootnath Returns. However, Ranbir and Amitabh have no common scenes that what lead Amitabh to express his views.
"I dont have a scene or a shot with him. I hope we can work together some day in a film. I would be ok doing even a small role in his film. He is very popular ...than me," Bachchan said, adding, "It is always great to work with younger learns a lot from them."
Now the question is how many top stars of Tollywood admit or express such things publicly? Almost all our big stars still want to play the lead roles, fight goons, romance ladies much younger than them, have to do a jig with them and want to be remained as hero unlike Amitabh who is doing character roles alongside lead roles. It's high time T-town stars should learn from Bollywood and its professionalism. What say folks?
Shah Rukh Khan, who played the role of Aditya Sharma child Banku's father in Bhootnath, will be seen reprising his role in the sequel. He too has a cameo in the film and his character will be a continuation to the one that he played in Bhootnath (2008).
"In the first part my character goes to heaven and then he comes back to earth and how he meets this child called Akhrot is what the story is about," he said.
Bachchan will shake a leg with composer-singer Honey Singh in a rap song for the film, which is yet to be shot. The event saw Big B playing card tricks and showing some magic to the media.
'Bhootnath Returns' is a sequel to 2008 horror-comedy 'Bhootnath', which is being directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by T-Series & BR Films.
Bhoothnath Returns is scheduled to release on April 11 and stars Big B, Boman Irani and Marathi actress Usha Jadhav in the lead.
"I dont have a scene or a shot with him. I hope we can work together some day in a film. I would be ok doing even a small role in his film. He is very popular ...than me," Bachchan said, adding, "It is always great to work with younger learns a lot from them."
Now the question is how many top stars of Tollywood admit or express such things publicly? Almost all our big stars still want to play the lead roles, fight goons, romance ladies much younger than them, have to do a jig with them and want to be remained as hero unlike Amitabh who is doing character roles alongside lead roles. It's high time T-town stars should learn from Bollywood and its professionalism. What say folks?
Shah Rukh Khan, who played the role of Aditya Sharma child Banku's father in Bhootnath, will be seen reprising his role in the sequel. He too has a cameo in the film and his character will be a continuation to the one that he played in Bhootnath (2008).
"In the first part my character goes to heaven and then he comes back to earth and how he meets this child called Akhrot is what the story is about," he said.
Bachchan will shake a leg with composer-singer Honey Singh in a rap song for the film, which is yet to be shot. The event saw Big B playing card tricks and showing some magic to the media.
'Bhootnath Returns' is a sequel to 2008 horror-comedy 'Bhootnath', which is being directed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by T-Series & BR Films.
Bhoothnath Returns is scheduled to release on April 11 and stars Big B, Boman Irani and Marathi actress Usha Jadhav in the lead.
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