Nandamuri Balayya's current movie which is still in the shooting stage is "Legend" under the direction of Boyapati Srinu. This film is in its final stage of shooting with only an item number to shoot. Bipasha Basu is said to shake a leg along with Balayya Babu. This film is coming after many days from the release of his previous movie and till date no teaser has set out of this film which is making more and more curious about this movie in the Nandamuri fans and making it as a much awaiting movie of this year.
Fans are expecting the repeat of the same success which they got by the movie "Simha". But Balayya has other ideas with this movie. He want to use this film as a launching pad for him into politics. With this movie he can get that initial boost which may help in taking an active part in the general elections.
But this may seems a bit difficult to Balayya. This film is going to release right before the general elections, which is on March 28th. This may be against the election code of conduct. There rises a doubt whether Election Commission will allow this movie to release or it will be rejected. Future will reveal this and let's wait and see.
Fans are expecting the repeat of the same success which they got by the movie "Simha". But Balayya has other ideas with this movie. He want to use this film as a launching pad for him into politics. With this movie he can get that initial boost which may help in taking an active part in the general elections.
But this may seems a bit difficult to Balayya. This film is going to release right before the general elections, which is on March 28th. This may be against the election code of conduct. There rises a doubt whether Election Commission will allow this movie to release or it will be rejected. Future will reveal this and let's wait and see.
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