Kajal Agarwal, an actress who has seen success more than any in almost all the South Indian Film Industries. She is busiest actress around the Tollywood circle, Kollywood and Bollywood too. Her latest film was "Yevadu", though her role is for first 10 minutes of the movie, her acting showed a powerful impact on the success of the movie.
Latest buzz about her in the web circle is about her personal life. According to some media reports, she is in a relationship with a Mumbai-based Businessman, who is a CEO of an Interiors and Designing company.
It is heard that, this actress has spent Valentine's Day with this so called boyfriend in Dubai.
Numerous picture and unconfirmed reports regarding about her being in a relationship is circling in the web media, though no official statement from her is never ever confirmed.
she might get into marital life, like her sister Nisha Agarwal.
Latest buzz about her in the web circle is about her personal life. According to some media reports, she is in a relationship with a Mumbai-based Businessman, who is a CEO of an Interiors and Designing company.
It is heard that, this actress has spent Valentine's Day with this so called boyfriend in Dubai.
Numerous picture and unconfirmed reports regarding about her being in a relationship is circling in the web media, though no official statement from her is never ever confirmed.
she might get into marital life, like her sister Nisha Agarwal.
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