Vani kapoor, the female lead opposite Hero Nani in the upcoming and most anticipated movie "Aaha Kalyanam". Recently, a heavy buzz went onto air that Vani kapoor has been casted opposite Pawan kalyan in Gabbar singh-2. But However, Vani Kapoor who recently addressed media in an endorsement event has kept an end to all the speculations around her regarding being part in Gabbar singh-2. She announced that all the news that went viral on media is not at all true, confirmed that She has signed a contract of her next two projects under Yash Raj banner only and hasn't received any such offer from Pawan Kalyan Sir till date.
She is making her debut in Telugu/Tamil films with her upcoming "Aaha Kalyanam" which is directed by debutant A. Gokul Krishna and produced by Aditya Chopra's Yash Raj Films. This Aaha Kalyanam is a remake of Maneesh Sharma's successful film, Band Baaja Baaraat. Veteran actress Simran had performed a little cameo in this film.
She is making her debut in Telugu/Tamil films with her upcoming "Aaha Kalyanam" which is directed by debutant A. Gokul Krishna and produced by Aditya Chopra's Yash Raj Films. This Aaha Kalyanam is a remake of Maneesh Sharma's successful film, Band Baaja Baaraat. Veteran actress Simran had performed a little cameo in this film.
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