Microsoft's new CEO Satya Nadella, in his recent interview, revealed that while playing for his school's cricket team, he got his early leadership lessons. Nadella revealed that there was one incident took place when he was bowling and throwing very ordinary stuff when the team's captain took over from him and got the team a breakthrough, and then let him take over again.
He said that he never asked the captain why he did that, but he believed that the captain knew he would destroy his confidence if he didn't put him back in, and then Nadella went on to take a lot more wickets after that, Sydney Morning Herald reports.
The 46-year-old Hyderabad native, who was named Microsoft’s third Chief Executive Officer earlier this month, attributes leadership qualities such as building confidence in his team to the lessons he learned while playing cricket. “I played on my school’s cricket team, and there was one incident that just was very stunning to me,” Nadella told the New York Times when asked about some of the early leadership lessons for him.
I think that is perhaps the No. 1 thing that leaders have to do: to bolster the confidence of the people you’re leading,” Mr. Nadella said, He has previously described cricket as his “passion” saying that playing the sport taught him more about working in teams and leadership and that knowledge has stayed with him throughout his career.
He said that he never asked the captain why he did that, but he believed that the captain knew he would destroy his confidence if he didn't put him back in, and then Nadella went on to take a lot more wickets after that, Sydney Morning Herald reports.
The 46-year-old Hyderabad native, who was named Microsoft’s third Chief Executive Officer earlier this month, attributes leadership qualities such as building confidence in his team to the lessons he learned while playing cricket. “I played on my school’s cricket team, and there was one incident that just was very stunning to me,” Nadella told the New York Times when asked about some of the early leadership lessons for him.
I think that is perhaps the No. 1 thing that leaders have to do: to bolster the confidence of the people you’re leading,” Mr. Nadella said, He has previously described cricket as his “passion” saying that playing the sport taught him more about working in teams and leadership and that knowledge has stayed with him throughout his career.
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