Pannaiyarum Padminiyum is directed by Arun kumar and it was the most expected movie from Vijay Sethupathi. Though it was the extension of the short movie that has been made before it never ceased to create expectations from the audience. The story revolves around a car and the emotional connection between the owner of the car. Vijay sethupathi , the driver of the car has performed well on the screen including love scenes.
Background music is a plus for the movie and the young comedy actor bala saravanan made extraordinary wits and comedy in the movie which will make people to roll on the floor laughing!
The movie has collected more than Rs.76,44,758 within the first week in Chennai that is from feb 3rd to feb 9th 2014.
Background music is a plus for the movie and the young comedy actor bala saravanan made extraordinary wits and comedy in the movie which will make people to roll on the floor laughing!
The movie has collected more than Rs.76,44,758 within the first week in Chennai that is from feb 3rd to feb 9th 2014.
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