The box-office of South Indian cinema collects best during the season of Sankranthi and Ram charan Teja with his latest flick Yevadu has shaken the Box office with his Action Face-off Entertainer storm. On the other side, Superstar Mahesh's psychological thriller "1-Nenokkadine" got flat response at the box-office as it did'nt impress at B and C centers even after getting trimmed by 15 minutes. From the second day of release itself the collections of this movie has straight away went down due to negative reviews but however managed to create a new record by collecting a gross more than $1 million in the first weekend itself which is a all time record for a Telugu cinema.
In the previous year also during the season of sankranthi Ram Charan and Mahesh babu clashed each other with their respective films Naayak and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu which managed a decent run at the Box office. Ram Charan, the best gambler of Tollywood Film Industry during the Sankranthi season. sankranthi collections of Yevadu were a way head of all other films which made Ram Charan as the best performer for Sankranthi season not only in Tollywood but also for the entire South Indian Cinema for the year 2014. This time in the whole south India, its been an One man show by Ram Charan Teja who emerged as the top hero by winning the hearts of the masses and also crashing Mahesh Babu and other Superstars at the box office battle. List of the top 4 films this season is as follows.
1.Yevadu with more than 47.15 Crores.
2. Jilla with more than 35.4 Crores.
3. Veeram with more than 34.5 Crores.
4. 1-Nenokkadine with more than 29.5 Crores.
In the previous year also during the season of sankranthi Ram Charan and Mahesh babu clashed each other with their respective films Naayak and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu which managed a decent run at the Box office. Ram Charan, the best gambler of Tollywood Film Industry during the Sankranthi season. sankranthi collections of Yevadu were a way head of all other films which made Ram Charan as the best performer for Sankranthi season not only in Tollywood but also for the entire South Indian Cinema for the year 2014. This time in the whole south India, its been an One man show by Ram Charan Teja who emerged as the top hero by winning the hearts of the masses and also crashing Mahesh Babu and other Superstars at the box office battle. List of the top 4 films this season is as follows.
1.Yevadu with more than 47.15 Crores.
2. Jilla with more than 35.4 Crores.
3. Veeram with more than 34.5 Crores.
4. 1-Nenokkadine with more than 29.5 Crores.
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