Director Puri Jaganadh's recent film Heart Attack opened with negative talk and started getting mixed talk from audience, early reviews and talk was disappointing, but day 2 collections of Heart Attack are completely indicating different scenario.
Despite of negative talk, Heart Attack managed to get good collections on second day, film is entertaining for youth audience, some people are watching it repeatedly, though it has no correct stuff for families but still many college students are enjoying the film.
This is not happening to Puri's film for the first time, previously Pokiri, Desamuduru, Buisinessman, Chirutha etc opened up with negative talk but later settles as average/hit/super hit.
So lets see where Heart Attack ends.
Despite of negative talk, Heart Attack managed to get good collections on second day, film is entertaining for youth audience, some people are watching it repeatedly, though it has no correct stuff for families but still many college students are enjoying the film.
This is not happening to Puri's film for the first time, previously Pokiri, Desamuduru, Buisinessman, Chirutha etc opened up with negative talk but later settles as average/hit/super hit.
So lets see where Heart Attack ends.
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