Tollywood veterans Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh are all set to act together in a multi starrer, Reportedly the biggest multi-starrer of all time South Indian Cinema. Pawan Kalyan who recently joined the 100 crore club is going through a very good juncture and no producer in tollywood dares to miss a chance with him. We all know that Pawan-Venkatesh multi-starrer will be constructed under Suresh productions banner with the association of Producer Suresh babu and Co-Producer Sharath Marar.
It is heard that they are offering huge remuneration to Pawan Kalyan for his small role in the film. Instead of direct money they have offered a deal to Pawan kalyan to bag all the collections of Nizam and ceded regions. We all know that Mega Family has immense fan base in both Nizam and ceded regions which makes Pawan kalyan remuneration incredibly high beyond our imagination.
This Pawan-Venkatesh multi-starrer is a remake of 2012 Bollywood movie "Oh My God !!" which received extremely positive response from critics and even managed to do very well at the box office. Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh will be playing the characters of Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal respectively. Because of the loud and clear social message the movie conveyed made it a deserving watch.
It is heard that they are offering huge remuneration to Pawan Kalyan for his small role in the film. Instead of direct money they have offered a deal to Pawan kalyan to bag all the collections of Nizam and ceded regions. We all know that Mega Family has immense fan base in both Nizam and ceded regions which makes Pawan kalyan remuneration incredibly high beyond our imagination.
This Pawan-Venkatesh multi-starrer is a remake of 2012 Bollywood movie "Oh My God !!" which received extremely positive response from critics and even managed to do very well at the box office. Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh will be playing the characters of Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal respectively. Because of the loud and clear social message the movie conveyed made it a deserving watch.
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