Megastar Chiranjeevi who unveiled the bronze statue of popular versatile actor S.V. Ranga Rao at Tummalapallivari Kshetrayya Kalakshetram on Sunday made it an occasion to recall SVR's incredible acting talent and also went onto express his thoughts regarding the Late veteran. He said that " I aint an eligible candidate to speak regarding SVR's acting performance, was just a child when SVR ruled on the silver screen. My father did share the screen with great SVR with a role of policeman in the film ‘Jagatjantilu' and used to tell me how SVR always encouraged and taught lessons to others in dialogue delivery." I have a deep regret that I'm not lucky enough to share screen with The great.
Recently, I persuaded my son Ram Charan to watch the colour version of all-time classic ‘Mayabazar' to believe how great an actor SVR was. S.V. Ranga Rao made his debut with Varoodhini in 1946 and Later has managed to act in more than 170 movies in both Telugu and Tamil, his last appearance on screen was as Kamsa in the movie Yashoda Krishna in 1974. He played many Mythological roles like Ravana, Ghatotkacha, Duryodhana, Kamsa and Kichaka with mere ease and also the only Telugu actor and second Indian to have won the best actor award at Indonesian Film Festival at Jakarta in 1963 for his role of Keechaka in Narthanasala.Chiranjeevi, who shared his thoughts had expressed his deep anguish over the failure of late governments for their due recognition to S.V. Ranga Rao garu.
Recently, I persuaded my son Ram Charan to watch the colour version of all-time classic ‘Mayabazar' to believe how great an actor SVR was. S.V. Ranga Rao made his debut with Varoodhini in 1946 and Later has managed to act in more than 170 movies in both Telugu and Tamil, his last appearance on screen was as Kamsa in the movie Yashoda Krishna in 1974. He played many Mythological roles like Ravana, Ghatotkacha, Duryodhana, Kamsa and Kichaka with mere ease and also the only Telugu actor and second Indian to have won the best actor award at Indonesian Film Festival at Jakarta in 1963 for his role of Keechaka in Narthanasala.Chiranjeevi, who shared his thoughts had expressed his deep anguish over the failure of late governments for their due recognition to S.V. Ranga Rao garu.
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